As crianças que têm acesso a 'tablets' ou 'smartphones' nos seus quartos dormem menos 21 minutos do que as crianças que não têm acesso a estes dispositivos à noite, conclui um estudo norte-americano hoje divulgado. O efeito é pior até do que o das televisões no quarto (21 conta 18 minutos)! As consequências não se limitam à privação do sono mas também ao aumento do peso e obesidade.
Este é o estudo de Jennifer Falbe que marca a atualidade informativa na leitura digital:
Sleep Duration, Restfulness, and Screens in the Sleep Environment - (Jornal: Pediatrics, Jan. 5, 2015)
Participaram no estudo 2 048 crianças do 4º ao 7º ano integrados no programa "Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration Study" de 2012 a 2013.
- ‘Pequenos ecrãs’ não deixam crianças dormir -
- The study in Pediatrics, funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, surveyed more than 2,000 fourth- and seventh-graders in Massachusetts as part of a broader investigation into obesity in children. The majority of kids surveyed slept with a small screen by their side.
- Smartphones and tablets deprive children of more sleep than television. Research conducted by the University of California found that small screens like smartphones and tablets were worse than televisions for keeping children awake at night, with so-called small screen gadgets robbing them of 21 minutes' sleep each night, compared to 18 minutes for children with a television in their room.
Este é o estudo de Jennifer Falbe que marca a atualidade informativa na leitura digital:
Sleep Duration, Restfulness, and Screens in the Sleep Environment - (Jornal: Pediatrics, Jan. 5, 2015)
Participaram no estudo 2 048 crianças do 4º ao 7º ano integrados no programa "Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration Study" de 2012 a 2013.
- ‘Pequenos ecrãs’ não deixam crianças dormir -
- The study in Pediatrics, funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, surveyed more than 2,000 fourth- and seventh-graders in Massachusetts as part of a broader investigation into obesity in children. The majority of kids surveyed slept with a small screen by their side.
- Smartphones and tablets deprive children of more sleep than television. Research conducted by the University of California found that small screens like smartphones and tablets were worse than televisions for keeping children awake at night, with so-called small screen gadgets robbing them of 21 minutes' sleep each night, compared to 18 minutes for children with a television in their room.